Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 2: They sighed with their shoes on

Since we had made such good time yesterday, Jake and I allowed ourselves to sleep in, striking camp at 8 and hitting the trail. We hit the last campground after 5.5 miles and stopped for a short break before heading off again not filling much water because Kitchen Creek, the next water source is so close by. I was carrying 2L or so

It is immediately apparent that Jake is in much better shape than I am as I briefly stopped for a picture and he disappeared behind the next outcrop and I never managed to overtake him. Fortunately I knew we would meet up again at Kitchen Creek so no need to worry.

Kitchen Creek should've only been four miles, but I never realized I had found it. At one point I saw a poor looking pond 100 ft off the trail down a bill but it didn't seem like it could be the creek and I didn't see Jake so I kept walking.

Finally after I had walked what felt like 5 or 6 miles I found a shady spot to Siesta and turned on my phone to try to figure out where I was. Turns out I was at mile 31.5 and I had totally overshot Kitchen Creek. Not only was I worried about Jake (was he waiting for me at this very moment?) but my water was starting to run low. I quickly checked the water report which showed that there was a campground .6 miles off the trail coming up, so at least I wouldn't die of thirst.

What the water report didn't mention was that the .6 miles was on a steep downhill road, meaning I had to go all the way down and then back up. Fortunately I bumped into Jake who was on his way back up from the campsite while I was on my way down so I knew I hadn't left him.

The last 5 miles of the day were a brutal uphill slog made worse by a slow nagging pain in the back of my knee and thigh that grew as the day wore on. Finally at mile 37 I found Jake setting up camp and gratefully pitched my tent nearby ate some food and flung myself into bed. As soon as I've finished with this blog post I will read some of my book (Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett) and then go to sleep. Tomorrow, Mt. Laguna awaits.

Tomorrow: Mt. Laguna resupply and a short recuperation day.

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