Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Day -3: Early wake-up hell

The alarm went off at 4:15am so we could make sure we got up early enough to get through airport security. This proved unnecessary because we were through security by 5:45, but it's better to have the extra time.

The flight didn't have a lot of legroom but I was lucky that the occupant of the window seat never turned up so I got two seats to sprawl out in. The only negative of the flight was the unending wailing of a banshee child from a few rows behind me. Happily both Jake and my packs came through baggage claim unscathed.

A quick bus ride to the Green Line trolley and we were on the way to Carlos'. Carlos lives across the street from Qualcomm Stadium which made navigation much easier. Needing something to do until noon, we made a loop of the stadium (I resisted the urge to stop in the fan shop) before working our way through a pizza before heading over to the apartment. All in all we covered 7 miles in our wanderings before we got to Carlos' apartment.

One of Carlos' very nice roommates let us in to the apartment where the 4:15 wakeup (3:15 from a Cali perspective) promptly caught up with us and we crashed for the next few hours, then repacked our bags, read, and generally puttered around until Carlos got home and then we ran out for dinner at a local Mexican place.

Tomorrow: A trip to REI to pick up some last minute equipment then a walk over to the local Costco to pick up food for our first leg of the trail

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