Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 3

One mile outside of Mount Laguna the light soreness in my left ankle turned into a sharp pain. After resting a bit it only got worse so we I decided to take a nearo and downs the night at Mount Laguna. Hopefully it's bearable tomorrow so I can keep moving. Since nothing interesting happened today, I'll leave a story from day one.

The first road the PCT crosses is a poorly maintained dirt road in the middle of the desert. I doubt the road sees daily or even weekly use since it is so remote. As I approached this road I saw Ethan, a hiker who stayed at Scout and Frodo's with us the night before, about 300 yards down the road. I confirmed that the trail crossed the road instead of joining it and realized that he could get miles off track without enough water to get to Lake Morena. I dumped my pack and ran down to get him back to the PCT. We got back on track and I sat down for lunch, letting him get ahead. I didn't see him for the rest of the day until mile 15 where I was resting before the big climb and he came up from behind me. I didn't remember passing him so I was confused that he was suddenly behind me. The truth revealed itself when he told me that he had taken another road that wasn't part of the PCT for a mile before he turned around. Hopefully he doesn't get lost since I haven't seen him since.

Steps taken today/total: 11,628/82,373
Miles walked today/total: 5.55/42.69
Elevation gained today/total: 1,117/7,136
Elevation lost today/total: 262/4,745

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