Friday, May 20, 2016

Day 6

ime, the Alabama Boys, and I pushed a pretty big 26 mile day today to try to get to Warner Springs before the restaurant closed. Along the way we found a very welcome water cache with over 100 gallons of water that volunteers move up trail and a little while later, we found a small cave that we took a break from the sun in. We also hit mile 100, so I'm almost four percent done. When we got to Warner Springs, we got the worst ten dollar burgers of our lives at a country club, literally one of three buildings in the "town." tomorrow at plan on zeroing, so I should feel much less sore after.

Steps taken today/total: 44,502/204,915
Miles walked today/total: 25.90/109.5
Elevation gained today/total: 4,228/15,996
Elevation lost today/total: 4,324/16,578

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