Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 77

Last night on the rim was the hottest I've had all trip. Due to this heat wave we got up early to try to get to Burney before the heat of the day started. We had 17 miles to town that we wanted to do by noon. However, just before the highway we needed to hitch on we ran into trail magic! The daughter of a hiker named Phantom was there to surprise him so she and some friends brought pulled pork sandwiches, chips, and homemade desserts out for hikers. The pulled pork blew the McDonald's I was anticipating out of the water. When Phantom for there he and his daughter embraced, crying. I'm lucky I got to share such a special moment (and food) with him.
After the trail magic we went into Burney for food and to beat the heat. Coming out of town, we didn't even have to walk a mile before running into more trail magic in the form of a shaded picnic table and cooler full of drinks and snacks. The couple who stocks it was there, so we were able to thank them personally and sign in to their register.

Steps taken today/total: 43,452/3,092,219
Miles walked today/total: 21.40/1,412.43
Elevation gained today/total: 679/243,565
Elevation lost today/total: 2,316/254,076

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