Saturday, August 13, 2016

Day 88

Remember after Agua Dulce when I said I hoped there weren't any more road walks? Well, that turned out to be wishful thinking. After dropping down 5,000 feet, the last six miles into Seiad Valley were on a road, with the last four on pavement. The frustrating thing about it is that you can see the town across the Klamath river  before the last four miles but there isn't a bridge until you walk all the way around to the highway. However, when I got into town things turned around. We heard about taco Tuesday at Indigo's Kitchen and when we got there Indigo was nice enough to let us camp in her yard and charge phones overnight.

Steps taken today/total: 62,351/3,538,414
Miles walked today/total: 30.95/1,653.93
Elevation gained today/total: 4,103/287,945
Elevation lost today/total: 8,694/300,989

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