Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 40

The first day in the Sierras went really well. The terrain the trail is in makes a huge difference in morale. We crossed a river that was so nice we stopped to swim and try to catch trout without proper fishing equipment. Even though we're all carrying a weeks worth of food in heavy bear canisters, we enjoy hiking much more than we did in the desert. As we go up, the mountains keep getting more and more beautiful and there is more diversity in the wildlife instead of just lizards and snakes. We got above 10,500 feet today which is higher than I've been so far but we're only a few days from Mt. Whitney, the highest point in any state except Alaska.

Steps taken today/total: 46,159/1,385,455
Miles walked today/total: 22.67/729.35
Elevation gained today/total: 5,416/114,032
Elevation lost today/total: 2,670/115,338

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jake! I've finally obtained your blog address and am keeping up with your travels. You are seeing some beautiful country! Good luck and keep up the great trailing! - Shelley from CBA
