Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 50

Today we went over Muir Pass which is my favorite pass so far. The climb up had us traversing snow fields and scrambling over talus beside beautiful frozen lakes. It culminated in a steep climb up a snowy mountainside to the summit and Muir Hut. The hut was built in 1930 and has been an icon of the Sierras ever since. The descent started off gently so there were no opportunities to glissade, but the snow led to some interesting route finding when the trail was covered.
This evening Cowboy and I crossed Evolution Creek, the most dangerous river crossing on the PCT. The river was very swollen from the day's snowmelt, so we crossed higher than normal where the it was a bit wider and shallower. Even at the alternate site the water was up to my thighs and the force was concerning. We made it across and down into a canyon to cap off our longest day since starting the John Muir Trail section of the PCT.

Steps taken today/total: 51,427/1,768,732
Miles walked today/total: 20.41/853.06
Elevation gained today/total: 3,453/145,106
Elevation lost today/total: 3,785/154,813

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