Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 69

The plan this morning was to go about 28 miles, but we happened across a  campsite that was too good to pass up. After coming down to only 3,000 feet above sea level we were in a canyon formed by the Feather River. As we crossed the bridge high above the water we could see rapids upstream but a large pool downstream with hikers swimming. We stopped here and swam for an hour before getting a big campfire going to warm up and dry clothes. There was a grate by the fire ring do Ultralight grilled some of his salami for us and I made quesadillas. Tonight was definitely the best cuisine I've had on trail. Later, we were joined by Peter Pan, from Poland.

Steps taken today/total: 53,516/2,751,721
Miles walked today/total: 25.78/1,247.25
Elevation gained today/total: 3,986/217,362
Elevation lost today/total: 7,305/229,729

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