Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 59

After stopping short of my goal yesterday, my plan was to take it easy today and stop at the last camp before Sonora Pass, around mile 1,006. However, when I got there around 3:00 I just couldn't convince myself to stop. I had 11 miles to the pass and the highway to hitch into Northern Kennedy Meadows, so I decided to go for it. Along the way I went down the steepest and most fun glissade I've done and crossed more snow than the rest of the passes combined. I got close to the road around 7:00 and was prepared to camp at the trailhead but there was a car there picking up some other hikers that I ran to and caught just in time. Tomorrow I'll be able to ship my bear canister home with some other equipment I don't need anymore so my base weight will be around 3 pounds lighter.  

Steps taken today/total: 68,918/2,237,556
Miles walked today/total: 30.07/1016.93
Elevation gained today/total: 4,993/176,297
Elevation lost today/total: 3,358/183,584

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