Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 67

We hustled today to get to Sierra City, an old gold town a mile and a half off trail. We had heard about the burgers they served and that proved to be an excellent motivator. We got to town around 2:30 and put in our orders. Sam and Babu got veggie burgers and Ultralight and I got the one pound "gutbuster" burgers. The patties were a couple of inches thick and were too big to take a bite out of, but somehow I managed. I don't think I'll ever get tired of non-hikers reactions to someone downing a burger that big with a tall milkshake and fries.

Steps taken today/total: 47,378/2,646,749
Miles walked today/total: 23.17/1,195.4
Elevation gained today/total: 2,696/206,822
Elevation lost today/total: 5,721/218,194

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