Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 51

When I woke up this morning Cowboy pointed over my shoulder where there was a deer about ten feet away. The deer in the park are much less timid than those at home and I've been able to get close to many of them since they have never been threatened by people.
A few miles in today we crossed the border out of King's Canyon National Park and into the John Muir Wilderness. The the climb up Selden Pass is shorter than those we have had, but it has some pretty steep switchbacks. Going up those switchbacks I met Dave from North Bend, Nebraska. He lives in L.A. now, but he said he was at the UCLA game in Lincoln, which means we technically watched a game together. Selden Pass is the first pass I've gone over that is under the treeline so it was quite a different experience. While I ate lunch at the top three marmots were constantly eyeing my food waiting for an opportunity to move in for a snack.

Steps taken today/total: 43,600/1,812,332
Miles walked today/total: 17.86/870.92
Elevation gained today/total: 3,403/148,509
Elevation lost today/total: 2,667/157,480

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