Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 66

This morning I got to Donner Pass and went down to Truckee for food. When I got back I saw Ultralight, a hiker I haven't seen since before Tehachapi. We hiked together until we caught up with Sam and Babu at a rest stop on I-80. We hiked together for the rest of the day, a welcome change of pace from hiking alone. We met a hiker who jumped the Sierras while they were still snowy and he told us that Lassen Volcanic National Park in a couple hundred miles had great hiking despite the long water carries.
We also hit mile 1,154 today which wasn't very special itself, but that's the straight line distance between the southern terminus and northern terminus of the PCT.

Steps taken today/total: 50,746/2,599,371
Miles walked today/total: 22.20/1,172.23
Elevation gained today/total: 3,463/204,126
Elevation lost today/total: 3,655/212,473

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