Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 70

We moved quickly this morning to get to Quincy and pick up food. While we were packing up our pickings a man offered us a ride to the trailhead so we took him up on it right away. While we finished we started talking with him and I learned that his ex wife coached basketball at Nebraska for a few years in the seventies and he was friends with Bob Devaney. He told us stories of when he coached football for a small college in California and talked about his good friend, Dick Vermeil. As he drove us up I noticed a Husker tire cover on a trailer and he said there are about ten families who moved here from Nebraska who he watches the games with. He said he'll always root for Nebraska unless they play his alma mater, Stanford.

Steps taken today/total: 42,408/2,794,129
Miles walked today/total: 20.56/1,267.81
Elevation gained today/total: 7,001/224,363
Elevation lost today/total: 2,699/232,428

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